The Wisconsin Shoreland Initiative – Advocating for Wisconsin Lakes
Alma-Moon Lake PRD is a member.
Here are several articles on general information for anyone living on a lake.
Ordinary High Water Mark Care of Exposed Lake Bed Invasive Species
Here is the “The Shoreland Stewardship Series” which was created by the Wisconsin DNR, UW Extension, The Wisconsin Lakes Partnership, Wisconsin Association of Lakes and the River Alliance of Wisconsin –
“A Fresh Look at Shoreland Restoration“
“Protecting & Restoring Shorelands“
“Protecting Our Living Shores“
Here are some articles which were created by the Wisconsin DNR and the UW Extension –
Protecting Your Waterfront Investment – 10 simple shoreland stewardship practices
The Water’s Edge – helping fish and wildlife on your waterfront property
Impervious Surfaces – how they impact fish, wildlife and waterfront property
Sensible Shoreland Lighting – preserving the beauty of the night
Not certain what is a lake district? This document lists the abbreviated highlights concerning lake districts.
Vilas County Lakes and Rivers Association – The purpose of the Vilas County Lakes and Rivers Association is to educate, communicate, and promote cooperation among organizations, individuals, governmental bodies and the general public of Vilas county; and to preserve, protect, and enhance our lakes and waterways for present and future generations.
Wisconsin Lakes, formerly known as the Wisconsin Association of Lakes, is the only statewide non-profit organization working to protect and enhance the quality of Wisconsin’s 15,000 lakes. We are the citizen arm of the Wisconsin Lakes Partnership. Here are some videos from past conventions.
2019 – Focusing on Resilient Lakes and Rivers
2019 – Native Plants Pay it Forward
2018 – Heeding the Call
2017 – Find Your Blue Mind
2016 – What Does Water Mean to You?
2014 – Back To The Point
2013 – We’re All In This Together: Celebrating Lake Diversity>
Larry, the All-American Bullfrog
Sebastian the Goose Encourages Natural Shorelines